Fonetiese Alfabet Klanke 6.0
This application contains phonetic alphabet sounds, double soundsand triads.
Spel Pret 7.0
Game Fun has a playful tone that will attract your child'sattention.
Potjiekos Recipes 13.0
Best of South Africa’s Potjiekos Recipes
Piggy Bank – Money Management 6.0
Your kids can improve their knowledge about money by playing ourgame.
500+ Afrikaans flitskaarte 6.0
This application is the perfect application to help you to assistyour children to improve their words and the pronunciation. It’s anAfrikaans app that can assist both Afrikaans and English childrento increase their vocabulary. If you purchase this app you will getaccess to 25 categories of flashcards, which equates to more than500 words. These flashcards have the correct Afrikaans nameattached to it and if you tap on the high quality images you willhear the correct pronunciation thereof as well. The categoriesrange from basics such as colors, numbers and the alphabet rightthrough to outdoors and animals. Handy at home, in a plane, on atrain, in the car, or at a restaurant. Will keep your little oneentertained for hours while learning at the same time. Your baby /toddler will get the hang of it in no time. FEATURES: - 25categories of flashcards with more than 500 words - Kid-friendlyfont for letters - Afrikaans audio for all 500 words - Each cardcontains an object and word - Easy for little ones to use, justswipe left and right - Animation and audio playback when you tapthe object - Very clean and smooth user experience - Horizontal andVertical rotation supported This is truly your one stop flashcardapp
My liggaam - afrikaans 4.0
Een van die aspekte wat Graad 1-outjies aan die begin van die jaarmoet kan doen, is om die liggaamsdele te benoem. Hierdie kennisword dan later (en in die ouer grade) gebruik om meer kennis vandie liggaam op te doen. Hierdie toepassing leer jou kind oorliggaamsdele, vyf sintuie en liggaamstelsels.
Kinderrympies 2.0
The collection favorite nursery rhymes with colorful
Die Drie Varkies Kinderstorie 3.0
The Three Little Pigs Children's Story in Afrikaans
Diere 1.0
Help jou kind om die eerste tree te gee, om taal aan te leer metbelangrike eerste woorde en prente van diere. Hierdie app spoor diekleinspan aan, om nie net diere te leer ken nie maar ook hullegeluide. Dit wys ook watter wonderlike verskeindenheid van diediere daar in die wereld is van troeteldiere en plaasdiere totwildediere.
Gouelokkies & drie beertjies 3.0
Goldilocks and the three bears children's story in Afrikaans
20 Kinderrympies in Afrikaans 9.0
Die versameling gunsteling-kinderrympies met kleurvolleillustrasies is pret vir peuters en kleuters. Hierdie app isspesiaal ontwerp om jong kinders te stimuleer en te help ontwikkel.Hompie Kedompie Hompie Kedompie sit op die wal, Hompie Kedompie hetafgeval. Die koning se soldate probeer al wat hul kan, maar HompieKedompie bly plat soos 'n pan. Skitter, skitter, kleine sterSkitter, skitter, kleine ster, wat is jy so hoog en ver? Aan dielug se vêrste rand soos 'n helder diamant. Klein Sarie van As KleinSarie van As sit en smul op die gras aan heerlike pap met stroop.Maar daar kom 'n spinnekop, en Sarie spring vinnig op en sê: “Ditis tyd dat ek loop!" Karalie! Karool! Karalie! Karool! Die katspeel viool, die koeitjie spring dwarsoor die maan, die hondjie dielag met al sy mag, en die skottel en lepel dans saam. Hierdie kleinvarkie Hierdie klein varkie gaan na die mark. Hierdie klein varkiebly tuis. Hierdie een het heerlik gesmul. Hierdie een is vreeslikgekul. En hierdie klein varkie huil: whie-whie-whie! al die pad nasy huis. Klein Kosie Kramer Klein Kosie Kramer smul in sy kamer aan'n heerlike vrugtepastei. Hy druk toe sy duim in en kry daar 'npruim in en sê: "Dis te heerlik vir my." Die muis en die klokRakketak, takkerak, tok, die muis hardloop op teen die klok. Dieklok slaan kabam! Die muis skrik hom lam. Rakketak, takkerak, tok.Marie, Marie, Jannewarie Marie, Marie, Jannewarie, wat groei daarin jou tuin? Klokkies en slakkies en meisietjies fyn, mooimadeliefies en sneeuwit jasmyn. Baa, baa, swart skaap Baa, baa,swart skaap, het jy baie wol? Ja, baas, ja, baas, drie sakke vol:Een vir Jan Salie en een vir sy ma, en een vir die baba wat vankoue kla. Slaap kleine babatjie, bo in die boom Slaap kleinebabatjie, bo in die boom. Slaap kleine babatjie sonder te droom. Asdie wind waai, sal die babatjie swaai, maar as die tak breek, lê hyonder die boom. Eendjies, eendjies Eendjies, eendjies staan in 'nry een twee drie vier stap hul verby. Lings regs, lings regs, kykhoe mak. Reguit am toe kwak, kwak, kwak. Wielie Walie Wielie,wielie, walie, die aap sit op die balie. Tjoef, tjaf daar val hyaf. Wielie, wielie, walie. Kiepie Kiepie Kiepie,Kiepie, kom tog gouhier is lekker kos vir jou. Maar dan moet jy vir my sê waar jy togjou eiers lê Die apie Daar's 'n apie op 'n stokkie Voor my ma seagterdeur, Daar's 'n gaatjie in sy broekie En sy stertjie loerdaardeur. Oom Olifant Oom Olifant jou reuse dier, die mense lag virhul plesier. Want waar het jy al ooit gehoor van 'n stertjie vanagter en 'n stertjie van voor? Slaap, Kindjie, slaap Slaap,Kindjie, slaap, daar buite loop 'n skaap, 'n skaap met spierwittevoetjies, hy drink sy melk so soetjies. Slap, Kindjie, slaap.Handjies Klap Handjies Klap, koekies bak. Bring die meel, nie teveel. Klits die eiers gou-gou. Lekker eet ons netnou Paddatjie,Paddatjie Paddatjie, Paddatjie wat maak jy daar? Kwaak-kwaak-kwaakkwaak-kwaak-kwaak daar op 'n blaar. Hier kom die eendjies uit onderdie brug. Paddatjie skrik so hy val op sy rug. BabatreinTjoeke-tjoeke-paf, Tjoeke-paf-paf-paf. Kyk hoe ry ek op diebabatrein. Opdraand op, afdraand af. Tjoeke-tjoeke-paf, op 'n stywedraf. Wippie en Snippie Wippie en Snippie loer uit by ‘n gaatjie.Wip is ‘n muisie en Snip is sy maatjie. “Wippie en Snippie, daarkom die groot kat!” Woerts is die muisies weer trug in die gat.
100+ Dieregeluide Flitskaarte 8.0
100 important first words and pictures of animals.
Woordsoektog Pret 4.0
Game to find words in a puzzle of other words.
Beroepe 6.0
Teach children about the world of work as well as variousprofessions.
Alfabet Skryf Fonetiese Klanke 1.0
Alphabet write phonetic sound in Afrikaans. Start teaching readingsounds
Free Leer om tyd te lees 2.0
Teach your child to interactive games to learn how to read andunderstand time.
Lelike eendjie Kinderstorie 3.0
The Ugly Duckling Children's Story in Afrikaans
Xhosa Toddler Counting - Learn to count to 20 2.0
Xhosa Toddlers explore the joy of learning numbers and countinginXhosa on a journey - The Numbers Train. Simple & beautifultaplearning game for little ones. Tap, count and learn thenumbersfrom 1 to 20 in an interactive way. App Features : - Countalongand learn the numbers from 1 to 20 in Xhosa - Explore 20differentobjects while learning - Clear and pleasant voicenarrations withpositive feedback to encourage and to help youngkids staymotivated. - Child-friendly interface with no complicatedmenus. -Soothing background music track for Kids that can be easilyturnedon or off.
My Inkleurboek 1.0
Hierdie toepassing, is gerig op kinders ouderdom 3 tot 7.Dietoepassing gee die kind opsies van verskeie voëls om in tekleur.Die kind het ook opsies van 50 verskillende kleure en5verskillende grootte kwaste om van te kies. Gebruik graaghierdietoepassing om jou kind te leer, watse kleure by mekaar pas,so welas om te kan onderskei tussen verskillende kleure.
Hansie en Grietjie Kinderstori 3.0
Hansel and Gretel children's story in Afrikaans with colorful bigpictures
Free Rooikappie kinderstorie 4.0
Met kleurvolle groot illustrasies, eenvoudige teks is ditdieperfekte eerste sprokiereeks vir kleuters. Prikkel die kleinspanseverbeeldings deur die storietjie hardop vir hulle voor te lees.Diestorie kan ook vir jou gelees word deur 'n professionelestemkunstenaar.
Zulu Toddler Counting - Learn to count to 20 2.0
Zulu Toddlers explore the joy of learning numbers and countinginZulu on a journey - The Numbers Train. Simple & beautifultaplearning game for little ones. Tap, count and learn thenumbersfrom 1 to 20 in an interactive way. App Features : - Countalongand learn the numbers from 1 to 20 in Zulu - Explore 20differentobjects while learning - Clear and pleasant voicenarrations withpositive feedback to encourage and to help youngkids staymotivated. - Child-friendly interface with no complicatedmenus. -Soothing background music track for Kids that can be easilyturnedon or off.
Free Woordsoektog Pret 2.0
Game to find words in a puzzle of other words.
Rooikappie kinderstorie 4.0
Red Riding Hood children's story in Afrikaans
Zulu Toddler Counting - Learn to count to 20 2.0
Zulu Toddlers explore the joy of learning numbers and countinginZulu on a journey - The Numbers Train. Simple & beautifultaplearning game for little ones. Tap, count and learn thenumbersfrom 1 to 20 in an interactive way. App Features : - Countalongand learn the numbers from 1 to 20 in Zulu - Explore 20differentobjects while learning - Clear and pleasant voicenarrations withpositive feedback to encourage and to help youngkids staymotivated. - Child-friendly interface with no complicatedmenus. -Soothing background music track for Kids that can be easilyturnedon or off.
ABC Kinder Pret in Afrikaans 13.0
ABC Kinder Pret in Afrikaans is a new free educational game fortoddlers.
Free Fonetiese Alfabet Klanke 4.0
This application contains phonetic alphabet sounds, double soundsand triads.
Free Die Drie Varkies Kinderst 3.0
The Three Little Pigs Children's Story in Afrikaans
Free 500+ Afrikaans flitskaart 10.0
Help you to assist your children to improve their words and thepronunciation
Free Gouelokkies & drie beertj 4.0
Goldilocks and the three bears children's story in Afrikaans
Free Getalle Trein - leer tel in afrikaans 5.0
Leer tel tot 20 op 'n pret manier: "Tel tot 20 saam met diegetalletrein". Met oulike animasie, klanke en kleurvolleillustrasies,leer hierdie app jou kind om tot 20 te tel op 'n preteninteraktiewe manier. - Syfers is in die korrekte skrif. -Elkesyfer word geklank. - Kank terugvoering vir elke getal. Kry dieappvandag en laat jou kind leer om tot 20 te tel op 'n pret manier!
Free Spel Pret 6.0
Spel Pret het ‘n spelerige ondertoon wat jou kind se aandag sallokom sodoende hulle woordeskat en spelvernuf terselfdertydteverbeter. Die toepassing het ‘n saamgestelde woordelys watbestaanuit ongeveer 500 woorde. Hierdie woorde word verdeelinverskillende groepe van woordlengtes, wat aangepas word by diekindse spelsukses en -vermoë. Daar kan enige tyd ‘n spesifiek groepvanwoordlengtes geselekteer word vir beoefening. ‘nResultaatstaatword aan die einde van elke woordgroep gepubliseerwat die ouer kanhelp om probleemwoorde te identifiseer. Spel Pretmaak ook gebruikvan fonetiese klanke om geheuevaslegging teversnel. Hierdiefunksionaliteit lewer aan Spel Pret die uniekebaanbreker verskilrelatief tot ander soortgelyke toepassing in diemark. Ons vertroudat u kind Spel Pret sal geniet. U kan ons vind opfacebook of metons in kontak tree deur middel van vonkpos(email:[email protected]). U terugvoer sal opreg waardeerword.
Hansel and Gretel in Afrikaans 4.0
Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister abandoned in aforest,where they fall into the hands of a witch who lives in ahouse madeof gingerbread, cake, and pastries. The cannibalisticwitch intendsto fatten the children before eventually eating them,but Greteloutwits the witch and kills her. The two children thenescape withtheir lives and return home with the witch's treasure.
Free 100+ Dieregeluide in Afri 9.0
100 important first words and pictures of animals.
Hospitaal Dokter in Afrikaans 3.0
This Doctor game with levels can show you what it's like to be adoctor.
Leer om tyd te lees 5.0
Teach your child with interactive games learn how to read andunderstand time.
100+ Animal Sounds 3.0
This app offers not only more than 100 animal sounds but alsoavariety of animals in different habitats. Your child willgetexposed to what animal it is together with the sound thatthatparticular animal makes. The animal sounds app has beendesignedwith high quality real animal sounds and pictures. Thisenablesyour child to identify the particular animal in the realworld, oryou could just have fun with your friends to see whorecognizeswhich animal sound. This educational app designed forbabies andtoddlers categorizes animals according their habitat, forexampleAnimals from Africa, Animals in the Ocean ect. This appisdefinitely a must have in your household if you have a toddler,ababy or just a bunch of crazy friends. FEATURES AnimalsinCategories -Africaspringbok,buffalo,snake,cheetah,elephant,giraffe,leopard,lion,rhinoceros,zebra-Australia kangaroo,koala,kookaburra,emu -Birdsparrot,canary,chick,crow,dove,duck,duckling,falcon,goose,hawk,ostrich,owl,peacock,pelican,rooster,seagull,sparrow,stork,turkey,vulture,woodpecker-Farmcow,chick,chicken,donkey,goat,horse,lamb,pig,pony,rooster,sheep-Forests bear,chipmunk,eagle,owl,panda,porcupine,raccoon -Insectswasp,ant,bumblebee,cricket,dragonfly,fly,honeybee,locust,millipede,mosquito,moth,spider- Junglebutterfly,armadillo,baboon,monkey,snake - Oceandolphin,sealion,seal,shark,whale,orca -Petsdog,cat,fish,hamster,kitten,puppy,rabbit - PolarRegionspenguin,deer,polar bear,walrus - Rivers andLakescrocodile,flamingo,hippo,swan,toad -Wildlifecamel,chimpanzee,gorilla,tiger,wildelephant,penguin,rhinoceros,wolf,zebraGREATTO KNOW * The first Animal of each category is free to giveyou theactual experience of using the app * All images and soundsare highquality * On each image you will see a face and a soundicon, theface icon will give you the name of the animal and thesound iconwill give you the actual animal sound. * All updates onapp will befree of charge after the initial purchase of the app.NOTE: Makesure that your sound is enabled on your device to getthe fullexperience of the app. Contact us for [email protected] and questions, our job is to ensurethatyour child enjoys the app.
500+ Flashcards 2.0
This application is the perfect application to help you toassistyour children to improve their words and the pronunciation.AssistEnglish children to increase their vocabulary. If youpurchase thisapp you will get access to 24 categories offlashcards, whichequates to more than 500 words. These flashcardshave the correctEnglish name attached to it and if you tap on thehigh qualityimages you will hear the correct pronunciation thereofas well. Thecategories range from basics such as colors, numbersand thealphabet right through to outdoors and animals. Handy athome, in aplane, on a train, in the car, or at a restaurant. Willkeep yourlittle one entertained for hours while learning at thesame time.Your baby / toddler will get the hang of it in no time.FEATURES: -24 categories of flashcards with more than 500 words -Kid-friendlyfont for letters - English audio for all 500 words -Each cardcontains an object and word - Made for the iPad, iPhoneand iPodTouch - Easy for little ones to use, just swipe left andright -Animation and audio playback when you tap the object - Verycleanand smooth user experience - Horizontal and Verticalrotationsupported This is truly your one stop flashcard app
Wiskunde vir Beginners in afrikaans 1.0
Hierdie toepassing help met voorskoolse wiskunde begrippe.Diebasiese van wiskunde word in hierdie toepassing vasgelê en ukindword blootgestel aan verskeie aspekte van Wiskunde. Diewiskundebeginsels en begrippe waarmee jou kind in sy eersteskooljaar inaanraking kom word deur hierdie toepassing geleer inverskeievorme. Die volgende is ‘n paar voorbeelde van wat geleerword:Optel- en Aftreksomme Patrone identifisering Skryf vanGetalleGroter en Kleiner en vele meer Hierdie toepassing isinderdaad, nienet lekker vir jou kind om te gebruik nie maar ook,behulpsaam opverskeie afdelings van basiese wiskunde.
Free Lelike eendjie Kinderstor 3.0
The Ugly Duckling Children's Story in Afrikaans
Numbers Train 3.0
Toddlers explore the joy of learning numbers and counting onajourney - The Numbers Train. Simple & beautiful taplearninggame for little ones. Tap, count and learn the numbers from1 to 20in an interactive way. App Features : - Count along andlearn thenumbers from 1 to 20 - Explore 20 different objects whilelearning- Clear and pleasant voice narrations with positivefeedback toencourage and to help young kids stay motivated. -Child-friendlyinterface with no complicated menus. - Soothingbackground musictrack for Kids that can be easily turned on or off.
Free My liggaam in Afrikaans 7.0
This toepading teach your child about body parts, senses and bodysystems.
100+ Animal Sounds 4.0
This app offers more than 100 animal sounds with high-qualitypictures.
Soek 10 Verskille 1.0
Find 10 differences - is a classic and fun educational activity.